- If you find yourself spending too much each month on electricity costs, call your utility company and ask for a home energy audit. This audit will help you find spots in your home where you are wasting money on energy. For example, be sure you have a good seal around doors and windows to avoid drafts. Another tip is running appliances such as the dishwasher at night. Taking this one step alone can cut a utility bill by 40%. A utility company might also be able to point out energy vampires living in your home. These are items such as computer monitors, televisions, or microwaves with a clock display which continue to use power even when in standby mode. To fight these vampires, unplug the appliances or look for those that use the least amount of standby power.
- Another easy way to save over $100 a year is to cancel your PMI insurance. Many times this insurance is a requirement when a home is purchased with less than a 20% down payment. However, once you have 20% equity, either in a down payment or paying over time, you may be able to cancel the PMI insurance. Typically, these policies cost over $50 per month, potentially saving you $600 a year.
- Consider participating in your company’s flexible spending account. This is pre-tax money taken out of your check each pay period to pay for unreimbursed medical expenses. If you don’t use it you will lose it, but if you are in the 28% tax bracket and allocate $500 to your flexible spending account, you can reduce your taxes by over $100.
- If you drive a car, try calling your insurance company to reduce your rates. Even raising the collision deductable from $200 to $500 could potentially reduce your coverage costs by 15-30%. This is an especially good step to take if you drive an older car and don’t need quite as much coverage. In addition, look for any discount offered including good driver, seat belts, air bags, anti-theft and annual mileage below 10,000 miles.
- You can also save money on your weekly trips to the grocery store. By cutting back on buying things as soda and chips, you can potentially save over $200 per year.
- In addition, buy in bulk. Items such as paper towels and toilet paper never spoil and you can stock up at one time potentially saving over $100 a year more than if you bought a pack every time you visit the supermarket.
- Clipping coupons can also save hundreds of dollars each year. Nowadays, you don’t even have to wait for the Sunday paper to come out. Coupons are available on many online sites and even individual stores will post coupons for their most loyal customers. In addition, many online coupons offer higher savings than those found in the paper.
- Regular car maintenance can eat up a chunk of change every time you take your car in for an oil change. If you learn how to do this yourself, you can save about $30 every time you change your oil resulting in saving of about $100 every year.
- If you like movies or books, consider getting both of them from the library instead of the bookstore and movie rental spot. The library is free and has a wide selection. With the cost of going to a movie these days, you can save substantial money over a year.
- Finally, if you can’t get your morning started without a cup of coffee, it is much cheaper to brew your own rather than stopping by Starbucks. Even if you purchase a bag of coffee beans costing $10, after just six cups you’ll start to save the money you would have spent at your local coffee shop.
About the Author
This is a guest post from Genuwave LLC. Some of their blogs include topics on Personal Finance and Selling Time Share. If you are interested in writing a guest post, please contact Seattle Simplicity at the Email address listed in the sidebar.