Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Guest Post: How Good Planning Can Save Your Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy planning isn’t always the first thing a debtor thinks of—getting rid of debt and starting off anew is often more urgent. But few people realize the importance not just of planning, but planning smartly. Good planning can mean a successful Bankruptcy filing and a more secure financial future. Bad planning, on the other hand, can lead to anything from simple processing delays to fraud accusations that can land you in jail. If you’re not sure how to start planning your bankruptcy, read on for a simple guide.

Explore Your Options.
First, is bankruptcy really your only way out? Surprisingly, for many people, it’s not. Go over your debts and income, preferably with an accountant or bankruptcy lawyer, and see if there are other solutions available. Bankruptcy can have far-reaching consequences and should only be taken as a last resort. Some of the most common bankruptcy alternatives are debt settlement, debt consolidation, and simple self-reorganization of your finances.

Know What’s At Risk.
How much do you stand to lose in a bankruptcy? If you’re filing under Chapter 7, you may lose some of your assets if they’re not listed as exempt under bankruptcy rules. Chapter 13 bankruptcy won’t have the same effects, but may have other drawbacks. Take a look at your current assets and properties, and decide whether you can afford to give them up to clear
up your debt. You can also consider selling them off yourself and paying your creditors outside of bankruptcy.

Consult A Lawyer.
You will need a bankruptcy lawyer to help you along, but nothing’s stopping you from consulting one even before deciding to file. A lawyer can better explain where you stand, what your options are, and what the consequences will be. They can also help you decide whether or not to file
bankruptcy in the first place. Most bankruptcy lawyers offer a free initial consultation, so just look around for recommendations and set a few appointments.

Plan Your Recovery
Bankruptcy planning doesn’t end at your discharge. As previously mentioned, bankruptcy affects you longer than you may think and it’s important to know the implications. For example, how do you plan on rebuilding and maintaining your credit afterwards? If you’re planning to
get a home mortgage afterwards, how long will you have to wait? These are all things you can discuss with your bankruptcy lawyer and plan for before taking that first step.

About the Author
The writer of this article has made his mark by writing on legal issues especially on Filing Bankruptcy procedures in different states. The author regularly writes on bankruptcy related issues like Ohio bankruptcy, Filing Bankruptcy In Ohio, chapter 13 bankruptcy and chapter 7 bankruptcy etc.

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